Saturday, April 26, 2008

A few observations from the road

Dan Chung (left) and Gary Younge
So having been on the road a few days I have a few observations.

First, whenever anyone points a camera at me and asks me to explain something I move my hands around a lot, as though I am scattering seed, moving imaginary objects from one place to another or trying to fly. Thank you for those who have pointed this out although I am sufficiently self-conscious to have noticed already. Since this is not conscious I cannot promise I won't keep doing it but I will promise to try. If only because it looks daft.

Second, that while my esteemed colleague on this trip, Dan Chung, is a refined gent in all sorts of ways his palate can be ... let's say basic. Dan is the only person I know with tickets to La Boheme who can walk into a Kum And Go gas station off I-80, and say: "Those donuts look great".

Dan is the only person I know over the age of eight who still drinks chocolate milk and salivates at the sweetie aisle. Since he is also quite slim, while he is working up an appetite I am working up some serious resentment.

Third, that even though most attack ads are tiring tripe a few are keepers.

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